Motivation The Heart Of Self Improvement

•May 30, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 3:15am
Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting flunked grades make us realize that we need to study. Debts remind us of our inability to look for a source of income. Being humiliated gives us the ‘push’ to speak up and fight for ourselves to save our face from the next embarrassments. It may be a bitter experience, a friend’s tragic story, a great movie, or an inspiring book that will help us get up and get just the right amount of motivation we need in order to improve ourselves.

With the countless negativities the world brings about, how do we keep motivated? Try on the tips I prepared from A to Z…

A – Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

B – Believe in your self, and in what you can do.

C – Consider things on every angle and aspect. Motivation comes from determination. To be able to understand life, you should feel the sun from both sides.

D – Don’t give up and don’t give in. Thomas Edison failed once, twice, more than thrice before he came up with his invention and perfected the incandescent light bulb. Make motivation as your steering wheel.

E – Enjoy. Work as if you don’t need money. Dance as if nobody’s watching. Love as if you never cried. Learn as if you’ll live forever. Motivation takes place when people are happy.

F – Family and Friends – are life’s greatest ‘F’ treasures. Don’t loose sight of them.

G – Give more than what is enough. Where does motivation and self improvement take place at work? At home? At school? When you exert extra effort in doing things.

H – Hang on to your dreams. They may dangle in there for a moment, but these little stars will be your driving force.

I – Ignore those who try to destroy you. Don’t let other people to get the best of you. Stay out of toxic people – the kind of friends who hates to hear about your success.

J – Just be yourself. The key to success is to be yourself. And the key to failure is to try to please everyone.

K – keep trying no matter how hard life may seem. When a person is motivated, eventually he sees a harsh life finally clearing out, paving the way to self improvement.
L – Learn to love your self. Now isn’t that easy?

M – Make things happen. Motivation is when your dreams are put into work clothes.

N – Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game.

O – Open your eyes. People should learn the horse attitude and horse sense. They see things in 2 ways – how they want things to be, and how they should be.

Having A Goal

•February 17, 2010 • 2 Comments

I wanted to write a post for all the people just starting out on the adventure of Network marketing.  One thing I wanted to mention was how important it is to have a goal.  Here is a list of some examples of what some of those goals could be.  For a lot of people right now in many countries around the globe people just need a job.  So their goal may be simply just to find a source of income to feed their family.  This is a good goal to have.  For others like myself you may need extra income to pay for extra expenses or fill in a income void in your household.  You may need to put braces on your children s  teeth or have a child that needs to go to University.  When these goals are met you may start to dream about travelling or just having more freedom to spend time with your family.  What ever your goals are you need to write them down and as you meet these goals you need to write down your new goals.  Don’t be afraid to dream big.

•January 9, 2010 • 1 Comment

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

~Author unknown

Hello world!

•January 7, 2010 • 4 Comments

Welcome to my blog.  I will start by saying a little about who I am.  I am married and I have two children.  My oldest is a 15 year old boy and my youngest is a thirteen year old girl.  I know some find these years challenging but I am enjoying the fact that they are more independent at this age.  This age does however come with some high emotions at times and some issues with who is really the boss of the house especially with my oldest.  Boys love to be the boss or so it seems here.

My husband and I have spent the last few years like most people in the world working very hard all of the time with not much to show for it.   Living paycheck to paycheck never having any money left over or any financial freedom.  I home school my two children and my husband Tom works full time at a car manufacturing plant.  We also started cutting lawns a few years back to make extra income in the warmer seasons.  All of these things make it possible to pay our bills but give us little financial freedom.  This just makes us very busy working all of the time with no time for family or friends during grass season.

Currently I am  a network marketer I can help anyone who want to learn about this business  with attraction marketing skills.  I am currently learning more every day about how to market myself on line.   I am really excited about the endless opportunities that this industry offers.  I love people and getting to know people and helping people is the number one thing in this industry and my number one priority, I want to see you succeed and achieve your goal as much as I am achieving mine.  Please leave comments or questions here on my blog.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.